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No, your variable doesn't need to be normally distributed
“I need to test my variables for normality” I keep encountering students (mostly with former exposure to business or psych stats) who insist on testing their variables for normality as a sine qua non prior to conducting analysis. While it’s clearly a good idea to have a sense of how your variables are distributed, normality is (a) not a general requirement and (b) rarely the case (if your tests tell you the variable is normal, it’s most likely because your N is too small).
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Taming BrightSpace, for Linux users
Making the LMS work for you, not you for the LMS BrightSpace is our new Learning Management System here in UL, since last semester. I’m trying to use it as a tool, rather than experience it as a constraint. The first thing I wanted to do was to manage content with as little interaction as possible with the BS user interface. The interface is reasonably well designed, but it depends a lot (like most LMSes) on doing things one at a time, with lots of clicking and opening menus and SAVEs and CONFIRMs.
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Simulating Single Transferable Votes in the UK
FPTP vs STV The UK uses a first-past-the-post voting system (FPTP) that frequently leads to parties supported by significantly less that 50% of the voters forming majority governments. Many other countries use a variety of methods described as PR, proportional representation, which are intended to bring about electoral outcomes (parties’ share of seats) that are much closer to the parties’ share of support among voters. Ireland and a number of other countries use Single Transferable Voting in multi-seat constituencies, which works well and generally leads to more proportional outcomes.
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